“Untitled” (Portrait of Félix González-Torres)

Forest for the Trees, Seattle, WA

balloons, helium, ribbon

dimensions variable


With its themes of death, loss and the institutional failure of the state to protect people from a deadly pandemic, the work of Félix González-Torres is as relevant now as it was in his time. “Untitled” (Portrait of Félix González-Torres) is an inflatable homage to his artistic legacy.

You are welcome to touch and move balloons, and are encouraged to take a balloon with you. When welcoming this piece of the work into your private life, it is my sincere request that you keep the balloon through its process of deterioration and until it has naturally reached a state of complete stillness. This prolonged meditation on the balloon’s “death” is the heart of this work. 

Please enjoy responsibly: don’t release your balloon into the wild. Each is made of single use plastic and helium (a finite natural resource) and is intended to live the fullest life possible.